im selpish...
im hypocrite...i am wat i am...
wel back to few days past
while im stil in KL
on 1st August...
wel its along bufday...
did create a card for her
wel cant rmmber wen did i stopped
creating card for others hee
juz get back d mood kot for creatin
but stil lack of ideas..
cant really came out wth any else
so i juz mke it d bes i could :P
wel hopes she likes it.wel her real
presents kan actually...
bought it early but left at dungun hehe
im goin out alone as usual la...
dcided wana go to C.M
really wana go thre...
really wanna buy dat bangle...
for my two bestie....
but sory couldn mke it la
sory tika n along..
but i did gve u guys other brecelet kn2:P
wel guess wat i've been faced dat time...
i was so hepy while on tren..
then while stepping out from d tren...
can heard loud sounds from down then
station,juz gve a peeps la...
lot of polices...
and oso lots of people
wearing reds....
in my mind...
wats hppenink down thre...
saw a few girls were crying...
i was like hey wats goin on...
then i was juz keep on looking at d crowd
down thre...
later d polices starts spreading 'gas pemedih mate'
all d ppl down thre was running like crazy...
saw a fews old folks n oso kids
running n try to save them self
feel really soory for them...
the gas was spreading in the air...
later d star making announcemnt
asks all d pssengers
to leave dat station immediately...
i tink it was come to end so...
wanna leave...
once i steps out from d station...
dunnoe frm whre la they cme out...
a lots of 'reds people' rush near the station...
dis is so nt kewl...
turned into d station back...
n for safety reasons dey locked us in d station...
i was siiting at d stairs...
cant tink of anytink...
text to ain.tika n along...
stil cant calm...
saw all d girls crying...
im trying to acts kewl(wel im kewl:P)
but im alone!!!
im scared too (!_!)
only left few peoples thre...
then again d polices spreads the damn gas...
the gas was filled the whole
edge of d station...
i was stuck at d stairs...
damn cant breathe...
my tears drops
n my throat was so saket la...
an uncle grabbed me to upstairs..
then only can breathe...
but can really see his face...
juz thanks a lot...
saw two kids crying looking for their parents...
thank GOD that im alone..
wat if i brings along my ssters dat day...
i might b sory for being me...
later emergncy tren came...
all were rushed in...
got into the tren
but tears stil dropping...
(shame on me crying front d publics:P)
stop at H.tuah station...
sit at d seat for quite a moment...
for calming maself...
my head was totally dizzy dat time...
then walks a dstances to Times...
direct to 7eleven..
looking for mineral water...
i do admits dat really need my besties dat time
wished dat if i lstened to ain for staying at hme
rather than goin out huhu..
but it's too late kan..
things happend...
goin to posts d pics soon
but i'll reminds me dat scary date..
P/s:guys dont walk alone ok!!!
hehe :P
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