a cup of milo before starts blogging :)
frankly speakin since i noe dat i hve dat wat we called
mgrain..im a bit cautious la...
most of d time i drinks milo bt sumtimes did drnk nescafe huhu..
cant barely stop la...
last weeks went to SUra gate pntai cafe wth manje,nely n tika
i ordred white coffee n fried ktiaw...
d white coffeE erm..totally out...
i preferred at kopitiam(CM)
ok wel im not goin to talks bout fnb hre :P
erm miss my along haha :D
hre im goin to xpress out my felink la...
bout my grup assgnmnt...
wel im getting really used do all d jobs in d last minute time...
but i manged to sttle ebrytink..
n i dun like others to be very pushy ok..
wel i noe myb i was too focused on other tings...
but please dun msundrtood me...
i care too bout d assgnment
cuz its carrying my marks too...
moreover...they preffred makin o doin d jobs in silent
n it mkes me feel lke a dumber n useless...
hey..c'mon guys...
we're in one grup rite...
myb i was too snstve...
but i dn really like dat stles of workin ok...
i faced it last sem..
n its damn hurt!!!
lately im gettin too snstve
n easily cry
huhu shame on me...
bt afta dat i do feel relieved a bit...
wel bck to my asgn juz now...
i can do my work alone...
juz please dun b too pushy ok...
i used to do all tings in las mnute time..
sory if dat burdening u guys :')
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