Friday, February 27

j'taime le sports...

i dun really into netball actually...
cuz dis game is to feminin 4 me hehehe...
but i used to b a player snce primary skool...
i've been forced by my teacher la...
then during my secondary skool..
once again i've been forced by the teacher
to join skool netball team...
dat is so not me...
cuz...since im in primary skool..
i really love n enjoy playing handball o 'bola baling'
dat is my game...
its quite rough but im getting used wth dat...
playing handball in more easier than netball...
cuz we're free to run here and there as we like...
unlike netball...
we have to tke care of our partner and stick at our position hehe...
playing handball during primary skool taught me lot oh tings..
i still remembered...
when i was in standard6 playing handball at
MTD(maktab tentera darat) SG.BESI....
our team lose, then each and every of us
got free tight slap from our coach hohoho...

forget bout netball n handball.. trying to learn how to play squash...
its awesome...
each week i'll go to the stadium n play squash
wth my frens...
sumtimes we play badmintons... hehehe...
playing sports really reducing my 'pain'
while playing sports...there's notink much things to think...
its really please me...

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#justbeingrandom #random #octoberpost well its been a while dint post anything on my blog. im a bit lazy to do so..hehhe.. getting too &...