las 10-12 june i was invited by my fren to helps her out with a camp organized by a mosque first told i hve to hndle bck of t house it was ok wth me...
apparently during t day sumtink hpned...t team dt supposed to b d facilitator 4 those kids failed to cme...and...and we hve to b d facilttr...hahhahaa at frst i was soooo unwilling to do dat... but we d camp strted n i hve to pick my own grup...i chose grup 1(darul ehsan) to b my grup... thre were 12 of them in t grup....strting from t age of 8-16yrs old...hahahhaa.... 4 girls n 8 boys...fufufu..i have to b nice wth them hahaha....after few words wth them i tink dey're of t kids starts calling me "ustazah" ouh my dear dat soooo bg title 4 me to i insists them jux to kol me ain... *_* heee...imma bit shy wth them...but dey kinda "degil" dey kol me ustazah,cikgu,kakak, and a boy kol me mak??hahhahaha wteve it is dey ease me much of t kid name najihah 8yrs old....she's kinda tlkatve...she talks too much....until other grup mmbers mad at her hahhaa...najihah aways hve sumtink to shre wth me,,,so most of t time she sit nex to me...easy 4 her to talk w me....but t boys also wana grab my attntion so dey making noise n stat tesing jihah hahaha....akmal(9),danial(15),azhad(12),jabbar(12),amir(12),amiruul(12),emy(16) n din(13)....
d girls are adawiyah(10), farzana(10) and aqilah (10)....... i like all of them...evry each of them mkes me laugh .... mohd akmal danial(9) hes's kinda really cute wearing spectcles...talking too much....n aways sit in front of me....aways wan me to listens to him....bcause of his small body he aways bcme d bully vctim of t grup mmbers but he fight bck hahahah...he's funny yet so brilliant ok!! erm alright...well t camp was about "SOLAT" totally..... so i hve to b more islamic heeee....i wasnt so gud in religious i tke ds oppotunity to learns w those kids,,,heeee.... ^_^ its reminds me of my chldhood time wen i learnt how to solat w my much memory... qiamulail at 3.30 am....we perform solat sunat tahajjud,tasbih,hajat,taubat,witir ..... dat was my frst time ever prform solat sunat tasbih ...alhamdulilah ^_^ nex up we went to wterfalls by 4x4 drves...hahahhaha totally awesome ok!!!! my frst time ridng it.... F.0.C... lucky me ;) t fun was thre....really enjoyed d xtvt much...n also my frst time eating using "dulang" share w others...neve hd t experienced b4.......lame kn...competition...."HAFAZAN" hahhahaa ds is d part wen all of my adik-adik getin so dem nrvous ...funny...dey have to mmorize d bacaan dlm solat,surah lazim,azan,iqamat,doa lpas wdhu',doa lpas azan.....basic tings...wat's funny is emy t oldest one...i pick hm to hafal doa qunut hermmm at frst he was ok...i help hm...trnslate from jawi to rumi....wen cme to hs turns he sddnly dowan to do it cuz he was so nervous...then jabbar tke t t end of t cmpetition my adik-adik was so worried bout t result...dey said dey dn get ful marks..i said to them sokay at least u did ur best da..n wen ustaz announced t winner..our grup gt no.2 over 5 grup....dey were so really happy...n me too hahhhahaha... jabbar won t title "imam muda" akmal won for hafazan surah so proud of them.... but overall...exhausted...i gt fw time gstrik attck n migrain due to over exhausted..but really d camp was soooo much fun n i gained lots during t camp...thnks to all cntestants....u guys taught me to be more patient and friendly hehehehe ^_^ hops to meet u guys in future...iALLAH....